Thursday, December 19, 2013


Plot: Hana is a high school girl with a special talent and secret. Her home is an agency and she can find upcoming idols easily. When ever she finds somebody with the potential to be an idol; she gets a nosebleed. Now her agency is having their 10 year anniversary and they decide to find some new talent. So Hana decides to go to central park the day there is a concert on an idol frm her agency. When she bumps into 5 guys by accident she gets a major nosebleed and faints. When searching for the guys she starts to see what their future will be like. Now they will go through obstacles just to be famous and popular.


Hana- She is the daughter of the president of the agency. She finds idols just by her nose. She works hard and doesn't want to give up. She is head strong and strong willed. She is also the band's manager. She is a first year in high school.

Boys: They have Chinese and Japanese names but I sort of prefer the Japanese ones.

Kiri: He was the first one Hana found, because he was pointed to the angency. He had lots of jobs but always got fired because of his attitude. He needs money to pay back his debts and support himself and his little sister. He is the bad boy of the group and he can play guitar and sing. He falls for Hana. He is a first year in high school.

Rei: He's the second member that Hana found. His father is a magician and he also does magic acts. He sort of always has a poker face and seems emotionless. He is the cool one of the group. He has no idea about anything in music and studies to find out. He is a first year in high school. He also falls for Hana.

Junpei: He is the third member. He is apart of a dance group and is also childhood friends with the fourth member. He is always smiling and very nervous when alone with a girl. He is the modest one of the group and can make people smile. He is a second year in high school. His specialty is dancing.

Kazuhiko: The fourth member of the band. He does traditional Japanese dancing and seems like he becomes a whole other person. He is very cutesy and is the cute person of the band. He is in his second year of high school and is childhood friends with Junpei. He is also cute enough to be mistaken for a girl or can crossdress and still look like a girl.

Yugo: The last person of the group. He seems to be a big flirt with girls and a womanizer. His older brother works for the agaency and them met because he needed to bring something to his bro. He can play violin and piano and can charm girls easily. He is the sexy one of the group and will always keep his date to girls.

Together these boys will be the most popular band Japan will ever see. They will aim for the top and surpass the top band ALFA. Will they succeed or will CRASH! crash and burn?
Read to find out and enjoy. :)


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