Sunday, January 25, 2015

PF Topic Jan. 2015-Resolved: On balance, economic globalization benefits worldwide poverty reduction.

I know how hard debate is. I've been doing it for two years going on third, and I still don't have the hang of it. So to help anybody who finds this, I'll post what ideas I do have on this topic. I'll be doing the LD topic for a competition so this might not be as thorough as I'd like it to be, but I hope it helps!

Resolved: On balance, economic globalization benefits worldwide poverty reduction.

First, what we need to do is understand what the resolution, with all its fancy, schmancy words, means. To novice debaters: your teachers might tell you to define every word to use up time at first, but soon you'll find out that there's simply not enough time to explain your points and define every word in the resolution. My advice? Find what contentions you want to use, get your evidence, and define every word that is necessary to WIN!!!

On balance-when all factors are taken into consideration (Oxford Dictionary)
Economic-of, relating to, or based on the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services (Merriam-Webster)
Globalization-the development of closer economic, cultural, and political relations among all the countries of the world as a result of travel and communication becoming easy (Cambridge Dictionary)
Benefits-a good or helpful result or effect (Merriam-Webster)
Worldwide-happening or existing in all parts of the world (Merriam-Webster)
Poverty-the state of being poor (Merriam-Webster)
Reduction-the act or process of reducing (Merriam-Webster)

Another piece of advice, find the definition that best defines what you want the word to mean. Like cat could have to meanings that are similar, but different enough. One might be 'a feline' and another might be 'an animal with an attitude.' Pick the one that will most benefit your case.


Lending Money-The dollar does not have the same value in the United States as it has in Africa. Micro-lending, I believe a small loan of some sort, can help businesses in developing countries. By giving a loan of $500 the money can go farther in Africa than in the US. And, somehow, economic globalization helps achieve this. Perhaps because an American business woman invests in a young African man's drive to succeed and loans him money to start up in a place where money goes farther than in the US. All thanks to travel and communication becoming easier.

Helping Each Other-If one country's economy is in bad shape, another can help it by hiring the people in that country. By hiring them, you pull them from poverty.

Education-If you do business in another country, the knowledge spreads in that country. Knowledge is power and if a person in poverty can grasp it, then they could get out of poverty if they know how to use it.

Awareness-When your business depends on other companies, you become aware of their problems. You become aware of poverty and start to help.


Exploitation-When the people of a poor company need money, they're desperate to get their hands on whatever job they can get. The big, bad wolves of the business world naturally take advantage of this and pay them less than, say, $1.25.

Dependency-If only one country produces a certain product (for example: toilet paper) and they go into war and cease production, you suddenly have a problem. Generally, dependency in trading, production, or in general isn't good. You depend on another country's state of economy or whatever. And that can be unreliable.

Loss of Culture-People say that they lose tradition when integration starts.

Once again, I really didn't go into detail with ideas and such because I had a mock trial competition on top of this, but I hope it gives you a start on the right track. Now onto my real priority: LD.

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